MASSIMO GIACON was born in Padua in 1961.

He began drawing comics in 1980, an activity he carries on until today, collaborating with the following titles and editions: Frigidaire, Tempi Supplementari, Frizzer (ed. Primo Carnera), Linus, Alter (ed. Milano Libri), Dolce Vita, Tic, Nova Express (ed. Granata Press), Cyborg (ed. Telemaco), Blue (Mare Nero ed.) and the publishers Coconino Press, Black velvet, Mondadori, Rizzoli Lizard Rcs.
He has also worked as an illustrator for La Gola, Alfabeta, Elle, Per Lui, Glamour, Rockerilla, Rumore, XL Magazine, and Rolling Stone.
He has published two collections of his short comic book stories, which contain work teamed with Mimì Colucci (texts). These are Mecanostorie (primo Carnera ed. 1985), and Rattletown (Granata Press 1995).
He created the character of Bogie for XL magazine.
In 2009 the graphic novel Boy Rocket, written by Mimì Colucci, came out with Black Velvet Publisher.
In 2011, the following came out La Quarta necessità, a graphic novel on a screenplay by Daniele Luttazzi, Rizzoli Lizard/Rcs publisher.
In 2013 he began work on the graphic novel “Il mondo di Alfio”, with texts by Tiziano Scarpa for Rizzoli Lizard Rcs editore.
For design, he began working in 1985 for Studio Sottsass Associati in Milan, later designing objects on his own for innovative and historic design companies such as Memphis and Olivetti, and later for Swatch, Artemide, and Alessi. He has also designed tapestries, laminates, websites, packaging, tableware, cutlery, ceramics.

For the past 5 years he has been working with the Superego company, with which he has produced a series of limited edition ceramic sculptures (The Pop will eat Himself), while he is one of the main players for the production of Alessi’s Christmas gadget line (Alessi Xtraordinary Xmas).
In the artistic field, he founded with Vittore Baroni and Piermario Ciani: “TRAX,” an experiment in multimedia artistic intervention and open to unlimited external collaborations active until 1988. He has exhibited in numerous galleries in Italy and abroad.
He co-founded in 1980 with Enrico Friso and Alberto Mineo the demented electronic music band “Spirocheta Pergoli”, later, in 1984 – he founded with Alberto Mineo and Mimì Colucci a bizarre new art-rock band, “I Nipoti Del Faraone”. In 1996, his first solo record “Horror Vacui” was released. In December 2002, his second solo album ” Nella città Ideale” was released. Between 2003 and 2013 he held several concerts and DJ sets solo and with a new lineup, under the name Massimo Giacon & The Blass.
In 1984, he made several short animated films and illustrations for the TV program “Mister Fantasy,” later for RAI programs Obladì Obladà and Moda. With Giacomo Verde and Stefano Roveda, he designed the “Bit” , virtual character “La città della Scienza” (Naples).
From 2009 to 2012, together with Studio Alienatio, he made several videos in animation, including several commercials for Xtraordinary Xmas, Alessi’s collection of Christmas items.
