Giuliano Guatta was born in 1967 in Brescia, Lombardy. Currently lives and works in San Felice del Benaco.
Guatta began exhibiting his work in the 1990s, with his first solo exhibitions at the Silvano Lodi Jr. Gallery in Milan in 1994. His art has been presented in several major galleries and exhibition spaces, including Galleria Continua in San Gimignano and Antonio Colombo Arte Contemporanea in Milan. The latter gallery has hosted several of his solo and group exhibitions, contributing significantly to his visibility in the contemporary art scene.

His works often explore themes related to memory, perception and everyday reality, using a variety of techniques and materials. Among his best-known works are “Discussione interrotta” (2001), “Giostra” (2001) e “La soppressione della possibile autosufficienza” (2005), all of which showcase his skill in the use of oil on canvas and panel.

Guatta has participated in numerous group exhibitions, demonstrating continuous stylistic and thematic evolution.
